
Pre-k is fun!
'School' co-founder's son.

Another family trying out our 'school'. I don't know if they were impressed....

One of our pre-k families.

We found Lilli with a bucket of ice cream on top of the table. We don't know how she got it. But I'm betting Dylan got it out, took a few bites, then pawned it off on Lilli so as not to get in trouble! Lilli knows how to get on top of the table all by herself.

A few ladies and myself , at church decided to do a preschool setting. Our first class was last week and then today.

I was teaching....

It did not go as well as last week.

But, I am not giving up!


Hopewell Family said...

Sounds very exciting and we are very proud of you for doing this, I know how hard it is but know you will do great!

Kelli said...

Oh, we love it! I just don't look like a very excitable type. Everything goes on behind the scenes for me. We really love it, especially Ewan. And to be fair, that day I was soooooooo tired! said...

you're brave! I don't even know how you do it! I'm glad others are getting into as well-that'll help all the kids!

Simply Sarah *K* said...

I heard it was a TON of no worries!
That Lilli is hilarious! :)

J D C and N said...

I am so excited that you're doing the pre-k for the kids. You are awesome Elisa- way to go for putting forth the effort. That's great that Lilly was on the table eating ice cream! haha Kids just crack me up- I think it's cause I'm constantly underestimating them. They really are much more sneaky and ingenious than I give them credit for. :)

elisa said...

I CANNOT take credit for the preschool, it's just at my house.
My friend Jenny G. has done almost all of the work. She was one of the first people I told and she started doing everything! I'm so grateful for her! She is talented, dedicated and honestly sweet.
We are lucky to have her in our ward! I like to try to overdo things and then end up messing it up so let me know if I do!

Julie{isCocoandCocoa} said...

That's so great that you guys are starting a preschool!