Tagged by Jenny!

Random Facts
1- I clean my ears with q-tips constantly. If my ears feel dirty, I will wake up at some unholy hour to clean them. Interesting, I know.

2-I hate waiting for anything. I would rather be late than have to wait for something. As evidenced (everyday or event that I attend.)

3-I design (crude sketches) clothes and different things ( I have 'designed' a wedding, parties, scrapbook pages, jewelry, maternity clothes). I just never make them because I am not dedicated enough. I have made some of my designs, I just don't like the way they turn out.

4-I am a fanatic about recycling. In Costa Rica, for some reason people threw trash on the ground. I would always get onto them for it. I have 3 recycling bins and they are always full by Tuesday. I have more recycling than trash. I'm proud of that!

5- I have been mugged, (about 2-3 blocks from my house in C.R.)
My friend and I were using the public phone, and 2 guys came up to us, my friend started fighting them and then one of them pulled out huge knife. The other guy came after me and my friend calmed down. I didn't have any money, so they took my friend's money and his watch. They actually tried to shake his hand after. He was so mad! He actually tried to look for the guys later, with his brother.
He swears that it was my fault that we got mugged. I still feel bad about it, because I was in shock, I couldn't even say a word.
Self defense classes, anyone?

I tag Diane H., Nicolle and Cat.

I have to go, I think I hear my boys hammering in the garage!!!!


Jenny said...

Yikes! How scary! Oh, and my favorite lines of that song is also "I wanna rock your Gypsy soul." I think that's such a beautiful way to say it. Sometimes I feel like there should be another category of poetry dedicated to song lyrics, because when you just read it on a page, it doesn't send the same message as when it's put to music.

www.thesinglelifeofastudentwife.blogspot.com said...

love all the stuff!

Hope you guys are all on the mend soon. It stinks being sick! I'm glad Dylan is on something too for the ear-infections! Poor guy!

J D C and N said...

Those are fun! (well except for the mugging-yikes!) I'll get on doing my list soon...I've just started checking blogs again. Been kind of out of it. i wish we could have spent more time with you guys last weekend!! We still want to come visit you guys. I'm sick now- is winter ever going to end? :{