New job!

I got a job!

I will be teaching various art, activity and even music/movement classes at Dottie Lynn for kids 3-5 and under 3, during the week, the best part is my kids get to participate in these classes!

I Hope everyone has a good weekend!


I am officially starting the certification process to be a yoga instructor! Yay!

We officially have started our garden; most of the seedlings are still inside the house. Those plants are strawberry, zucchini, bell pepper and tomatoes.

I had to show a picture of my mom's cool hair;

Lilli is so funny!

4 comments: said...

okay first, when we get bunk beds, we're getting a slide too! that is AWESOME!!!

And, congrats on the job!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!

J D C and N said...

Congrats on the job! I'm so glad that you got it and that you're doing your cert for yoga instructing. So cool! And dude, we so need a slide when Covey gets a real bed. BTW- whenever we see eachother next I'll just give you whatever you want from my stuff. K? Sorry I didn't call back this weekend has been crazy. Congrats again and good luck!

nicolle said...

You are so cute. I am glad that it worked out. You are also brave...that last thing I want to do with my extra time is spend more time with little kids:) I love you and I am proud of you.

Jenny said...

Elisa, that is so awesome! I'm so pysched for you! And I'm so glad you're doing the yoga certification thing, too. Why take the class when you can teach it, right?