Spring Break!

Tues.- Waiting for abuelita to come home
Wed.-Abuelita came home!
Thurs.- Went to Abuelita's, doing yoga with the kids.
Fri- went to Botanical Gardens with 'Lita and kids.
Sat- Easter egg hunt with Agnes, then temple trip, then double date with Nidiam and Levi! We had Pho at our fave Viet restuarant (Pho 95, Arkansas and 360; for anyone who wants to try it, so yummy!)

Sun- Church, then another easter egg mania at Granpa and Granma's! Dinner too!


www.thesinglelifeofastudentwife.blogspot.com said...

wish we could have been there! Tally lit up when she saw your kids!!! I loved talking to you "face to face"

Jenny said...

We had two easter egg hunts, too! So many little plastic and hard-boiled eggs! Who is this Levi you're talking about?????

elisa said...

Levi is Nidiam's fiancee. They are getting sealed May 28! The guy hugging Nidiam is Levi.