to write about except all the blessings!
Lilli had a such a nasty cough that she wasn't breathing very well, with a crazy fever and I really worried that she was too sick. Bruce gave her a blessing on Mon. night and took her to the hospital Tuesday. They discharged her that day after many tests and still have not gotten back to us. She is doing much better, on antibiotics and doing breathing treatments. The kids seemed to have gotten a less potent version that they are almost done with, altho' they did have to miss almost a week of school.
Bruce is feeling a little crappy but we are hoping a nice weekend will help him feel better.
Our Christmas is not as lavish as some, but I think that's the point. We are grateful for all these blessings that can only come from God.
My Christmas prayer for all of you, is that you would realize how much God loves and blesses you and cherishes your faith in Him and your efforts to be Christlike.
Remember that we love you too and hope that you all have a great Christmas.