Ahh, Ice day!

Just the break I needed....
For all the 2 people who read this; we are homeschooling and have been for...............
2 days and yesterday doesn't count because it was an ice day.

We are still looking for curriculum and ideas on what we want to focus on but it is way more complex than I thought. I know it would be hard, but I also think it will be worth it.

I feel pretty wasteful for my former state of mind; in thinking that I couldn't wait for my kids to go to school, then I'd have some ME time but I realize how selfish that was and I am slowly learning that I never get that time back with people I love.

Speaking of people I love, 2 of them are moving far away and soon, so I am actually hoping to have my kids spend as much time with them as possible before they leave.

Really there are alot of reasons why we choose to do homeschooling, but that's just one.

So whatever people think, I would truly appreciate no negativity and talk of insanity.
(because putting my family above the opinions of others is pretty important to me
and frankly, I won't take kindly to those comments.0

As I'm sure you can tell, I'm feeling a little off today so let's get right to the good stuff;


These are of our New Years' trip to west southwest texas (border town-airforce base)
last ice storm! Poor honeysuckle is perfectly preserved.

Dylan went and snuggled a napping Lilli and ended up falling asleep himself.

Dylan and Phil! On a hike
I don't know how to fish!
These evil little cacti were out to get us, they hide in a soft patch og grass, then ram right thru your shoes. Pretty hard to get off and out of your soles.
On the boat
Super foggy when we got there

Thought this was an interesting way to eat
on a hike

Administering 1st aid to Ethan after Dylan beaned him with a rock.

They don't know how to fish EITHER

That was an amtrak railtrack. We saw one go by a few minutes later. Wasn't super fast but you could see the people on it. I would love to go on a cross country rail trip (no, not like a hobo)


No time for captions, just enjoy!