
After 7 long years of dogged perseverance,

Bruce Hopewell

will be graduating from

Columbia College

with a B.S. in

Business Administration.

Please come to

Bruce's Graduation

ceremony on June 7th at 2pm

at the Fort Worth Convention Center.

Immediately following the graduation we will reunite at the Bruce Hopewell Home for some heavy refreshments.

We would love to see any friends and family at either or both of the functions!

Please comment if you have any questions or need directions:


we have new email that we actually check, so if you want this tidbit, please leave a comment on the graduation post. thanks!

Well, almost 2 weeks later and the mass has almost completely softened up/gone!
So thank you for any thoughts or prayers sent our way.
These are not the only changes that have happened but the others are a little too personal to be sharing with anyone, so let's just say " It's alll goooood!"
By the way, I'm not pregnant; for all you skeptical/wise people whose first thought is.....
"No IUD? She's gonna get preggo!"
Yes, I am fertile Myrtle (that was actually my great grandma's name, huh, what a coinkidink!)
but we are thinking about another baby next year. Hopefully we will be out of debt next year, so it will not be so hard.

I found an article in the Fort Worth Child magazine about vaccines and the scheduling/timing and there are real dr.'s who only administer shots 1 at a time and who use Thimerasol-FREE vaccines.
Here one of these Dr.'s
Nina Cahan (Fort Worth)
And you can bet I'm gonna be calling her up to bug her about getting those vaccines; either to my Dr. or going to her to get them.
Thought ya'll should know!

The soapmaking thing is going very slowly.......
I don't have as much time or money as needed to do it, so for all you wise sages please feel free to dole out any advice.
But I am using alot of the fabric a friend gave me. That counts for something, like no waste, right?

By the way, My mother-in-law rocks!
I went to Utah for the weekend For my sisters' graduation (Yay for my UTE rad grad, Michelle! )
and Roxy stayed with the kids, cleaned my house, organized it and decorated it with her own money! Man, How lucky am I? I will post pics of the new sprucing momentarily.

One last thing, I am having a yard sale tomorrow so anyone who is interested in this fabric, come by, and I'll give it to you!