Debt- Free!

Just wanted to testify to anyone that wants to listen that when we do our best to follow God's commandments, He will bless us in our efforts to follow His guidance.

As I'm sure you all know, our stake Presidency asked our stake to get out of debt by 2008.
We had a very slow and rebellious start, but we did and we kicked into hig gear when ever we
There have been a few amazing miracles in the span of debt repayment and we are truly grateful for each one.
We are of course, a year and 5 months late in reaching that Stake goal BUT......
We are here and we are so grateful for the counsel given to us, it was such a blessing!

We are now looking into ways to grow a succesful Etsy shop! We got a new camera so pictures will be coming very soon!

3 comments: said...

congratulations!!!! WAHOO!!! I cant' wait to be debt free!!! okay, I can't wait to actually be earning money...but debt free witll be even better!!! Love you!!

Hopewell Family said...

Great job, we are very proud of you guys and know while things will not always be easy, things are always better if we do what we know to be right.

J D C and N said...

Congratulations guys! Can't wait to be there too. :)