False Labor

Ohh this stinks.
I have been in false labor twice in the past 5 days and I am about to strangle someone.
FRiday was the worst with contractions and pain for over 8 hours, then, just when we were about to go to the hospital, the contractions dissapeared. All that for nothing.
Buisness as usual but with some serious nervousness because on Mon. my dr. said I was dilated to a 3.5. All I need is a 4-4.5 to be in labor. She said I could go at any moment and if I started having contractions, then I should hurry to the Hospital because I would probably have the baby quickly. So we were all on pins n' needles for the 2 last days but with almost no contractions.
Then yesterday around 7:30pm I started contractions and we all went for a walk to see if I could keep them going. I figured that if I was contracting for an hour (since I am so close) that we would head for the hospital after that. Well, I walked for a mile (1.5 hours) and didn't eat dinner because I was so ready to go. Bruce made dinner and got everything in the car, called a friend and my mom and off we go.
We get there and I am the same as MON. 
The contractions were not doing anything. 
They monitored me for an hour-no change
I walked the hospital halls for an hour in serious pain-no change
They monitored me again for another 30 min-no change.
The nurse gave me the option of staying to walk and be monitored again for another 1.5 hours and I said "Forget it!"
By now I am almost crying because it was hurting alot and nothing was happening. I was too tired and sore and frustrated and hungry to keep trying. 
I got dressed, ate, came home and Poor Bruce still has to go to work. 
The worst part is I'm still sore and still having contractions but there's not alot I can do about it.
Needless to say, I am trying really hard not to be upset about this but.....

Better days!

i dont know if you can see it but that lil yellow block at the end of street is the kids school.
front outside of the house. 
I love this kitchen!

I just wanted to post about our little miracles this week.
Despite being beyond stressed, we have taken the time to read and talk and pray. I didn't think it would be such a drastic change but it has been.
Despite our stubborness, stupidity and general ignorance, we have been blessed beyond belief and I truly believe that it is because we have been trying- TRYING being the key word.
We are trying to read every day, we tried to feed the missionaries, we tried to cut back on tv watching, we tried to eat at home with the food we had, we tried to stay in budget for everything.
You get my point.
But here is the clincher; we found our tithing JUST before we sold the truck that we just paid off. We just paid off the truck because we forgot that we had enough money to do it.
We have had dinner every night this week. (BIG deal for me).
Bruce asked some people to come over and help fix up the house, who are coming on Sat.! and before he sold the truck he found the extra money we needed to do some repairs and haul the stuff home before the truck was gone. 
Anyway, I am rambling but the biggest deal for me was today.
We were fighting last night, and after we resolved it, Bruce started a fast today and was inspired to ask a co-worker if the bank would give us (EXACTLY the type of loan we need to buy this house) a loan.
Bruce had no idea if it was feasible, much less if they would even consider doing it.
This co-worker (bigwig?) immediately says "yeah sure!" What?!! Really!! YAY!!
All the hoops that we would have to jump thru and not to mention all the money we would have to come up with have been reduced down to 'totally plausible-doable' VS
being 'how the heck are we going to pull this off in order to get this house?"
So needless to say, we talked about miracles today with the kids. I hope they get it.
I asked them what miracles they would perform if they had the power; most of them said they would "make it rain food all over the earth".
Here are some pics of the house, in case you are wondering what it looks like.