ok, I'm either really bored or overly excited about telling the world our bizness'.
Probably both.
Have you ever gone a week without complaining? Ouch. Not that easy. Bruce said thinking (not verbalizing) and saying complaints out loud is the same thing. I didn't really think of it that way.
I need to mention how the gospel has blessed me immensely. I know that reading the scriptures gets me through another rough day. If I read in the morning, Sometimes it makes the whole day go better-for a few hours anyway. So if I feel like complaining I try to tell myself to stop and I think about someone who needs prayers, or I call them. Reading scriptures with someone who needs prayers, always helps me put things into perspective, I hope it helps them too. One more random picture: Yay!


J D C and N said...

Yay! You started a blog! And we will be expecting lots of pictures so get to it! hehe Just kidding. And don't worry Elisa, you'll get through the challenging times...just one day at a time and it will pay off.

nicolle said...

I agree that you need more pictures, that is primairly what blogs are for, and for the record, it helps me just to know that you care:) I love you so much.

Mackenzie. said...

Ha. Well what'dyaknow. I totally stopped posting stuff up... 'cause i'm lazy and forgetful.