Testimony meeting

Well, I have to start by saying that today was emotional for me.

A man in our ward was paralyzed from the chest down, in a motorcycle accident, about two months ago. He has been in the hospital since then. As a ward, we have fasted and prayed for him. Last week I heard that he would be coming home. Ever since I knew that he was hurt, I always visualized how he would look when he came back. Well, even though I thought he might be here today, I was not prepared to see him. He was 3 rows ahead of us, I asked Bruce and he said it was him. I walked up to him and rubbed his shoulder; I said 'hello and I'm so glad you're here' ; He turned and looked at me with these big eyes and said thank you and shook my hand. I smiled and walked away. I sat down and started crying because I knew that faith had healed him and he was improving everyday. It reminded me of my dad. After he wheeled up to the front and bore a testimony that I'll not soon forget. His wife soon followed.

This was my experience that I was reminded of.

When I was 17-18, living in Utah so I could finish High School, My grandpa called me and said he was afraid he had some bad news. He told me my dad had an accident and was in the hospital in Costa Rica. Then he told me to call my sister Michelle to tell her, cause he couldn't do it.

I was so stunned that it wasn't until after I told her, that I started crying and couldn't stop.

I remember going to a dark basement and kneeling and crying for my dad. I prayed that he would not die, that he could stay and be healed and walk again. That he could talk to us and be okay. I remember feeling guilty for not being there to help him; he had fallen from 20 feet up and shattered his whole left side. I don't remember when, but I found out that my sister Mackenize had actually seen him fall and land in front of her and that my other sister had come home within the hour and seen the chaos. I don't know how my family made it through that difficult time, But the next time I saw my dad, he was in wheelchair. He had been through hours of rehab and was walking with a cane. But I was so glad to have him back. A few months later, the rest of my family flew back to Utah and I never want to waste a minute, especially when we are all together.
So if we ever get on your nerves, remember it's only temporary.

All I can say is that Brother Mark Evans and his family are a living embodiment of healing faith and it has been such a blessing to be a part of this process of faith and testimony building.

I hope you all know that I know that Christ lives, that he loves us and that he answers our faithful, righteous prayers. May heavenly Father bless you and your families. Study the scriptures at least once a day, and you will recieve an answer to prayer.

1 comment:

www.thesinglelifeofastudentwife.blogspot.com said...

That was amazing to read Elisa! IT's so wonderful how Heavenly Father works! I love you!! And you family!!!