Political posts

Hey, so obviously I hit a nerve about Obama
and so I would like to publicly invite anyone to leave comments
and write the facts that they know,
So, let's have a discussion, no name calling though,
as you will see that I will moderate comments (but I try to post it all.)
I understand that Obama has a powerful persona and image and honestly,
it's a little scary, but I don't know enough about Bush 2
and I would really like some more info, so enlighten me please.


www.thesinglelifeofastudentwife.blogspot.com said...

love ya!
I'm not following it as well as I usually do (uh...no tv here)... but I do know one thing... if Obama does socialized health care, then svend and I are personally screwed! He won't make enough to pay back loans! ahhh!! Also, I did just learn about
The other thing is that McCain is prolife (as is Palin) so that's got me going for them too. But I'm interested to hear everyone's comments as well so I can learn too! Thanks for opening it up!

nicolle said...

Sisa, I would encourage you to go to Votesmart.com- They are a non-partisan voter education group. They have information on all of the candidates, their voting record, quotes, political courage tests etc. It is very interesting and helpful. It is a good thing that we all have different opinions on every issue, we all have something valid to bring to the table, and it is also good to find out about things that concern us and will be an issue in the election. I love you and I hope that you will continue to learn about the issues/candidates and do what you feel is right.

Hopewell Family said...

congrats on passing your yoga exam. Yea for you and good luck

luv u