Michelle Obama?

Did anyone hear Michelle's speech? Holy crap, she is a good speaker! She did not look, talk or act nervous and she really got her message out there! I was impressed.
Anyway, for all you undecided; Let hope, not fear, be your guide.
I know who I am voting for! Above voting and beyond my opinions, I do want to clarify that I will do God's will, no matter what.
I am sorry if ya'll think ill of me for my choice, but if John Mcaine is going to continue Bush's policies and antics then, no thank you! I might give him a chance if he completely detaches from Bush and does what he does best; fight for what's right.
By the way, I did vote for Bush.... but only the first time. I defintely did not know enough about him or the other candidate. This post is not an attack on anyone and I'm sorry if anyone took offense. I have different beliefs and feelings about many things, I want to tell you that I respect the difference that exists between all people. I also love and cherish the similarities we all share.
I was not trying to offend anyone and please don't take it personally but I would rather be hopeful than scared. Like my adopted lovely last name- Hopewell! I love the Hopewell's!


Mackenzie. said...

That speech by Michelle Obama was pretty damn inspiring. I'm glad to hear/see that you are going to give your support to Obama and that you aren't fearing any "retribution."
And don't be sorry... some people are ignorant, fearful, and they desire to elect a man who will continue the policies of Bush (don't use the word evil though...hah that's the kind of rhetoric he uses when he talks about the rest of the world).

Love you Sisa.

www.thesinglelifeofastudentwife.blogspot.com said...

I love election time! :)

Jenny said...

Okay, let's make one thing clear to everyone out there==VOTING DEMOCRATIC DOES NOT NEGATE YOUR TEMPLE RECCOMMEND. Honestly, the more and more I look at both candidates, the more I realize that I'm very impressed by both of them. So I still have a lot of work to do.

Hopewell Family said...

Are you speaking to Bruce's side of the family? Are we bullies? Your vote is a private matter as is mine and everyone else's. It only becomes public if we choose to share it. We should all vote the way be believe and pray that everyone who casts a vote will pray for direction. It is good to have opposing viewpoints.

Hopewell Family said...

Forgot something. Are we evil who supported Bush? We love you and had a wonderful time with you and Bruce and the kids.

Hopewell Family said...

Before your mind is made up (and we love you regardless) ask yourself the following questions.

Who would be best to: (just to name a few)

1. protect the unborn
2. nominate conservative supreme court judges.
3. nominate conservative judges.
4. Protect America from outside enemy forces.
5. get America off of depending on foriegn oil and developing domestic alternitives

Mackenzie. said...

hmm...looks like your choice isn't a very good one sisa. hahahaha. Only kidding. But you already know that.

www.thesinglelifeofastudentwife.blogspot.com said...

we love you too elisa! (okay...so I'm kind of a bjorn now...but oh well :)

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm a friend of Diane Hopewell's. I happened upon your blog after reading hers. Very interesting opinions! I think you are right, voters do need to research before they make a decision. By the way, you misspelled *Mcaine*--it's McCain ;D

Anonymous said...

OBAMA is evil!