More to come!

I am sorry, but I am not feeling bloggy!

Here is why; I have heard 4 times from 4 different people that I divulge too much info.

So I was debating; do I tone it down or tell them all to bite me?

Being my passive-aggressive self, I just avoided the situation and haven't written for month.



I have alot of stuff I want to write about that I will either stick in my journal or do a personal blog.
This is my sister Michelle's picture, it is in Tokyo. No, it's not my sister, just some girl. I love the outfit too!


rob said...

sisa, you asked what's wrong why you can't hear the bands: go to this link instead:


Kelli said...

Don't worry about what people say. It depends on what info they are talking about. Like personal info, where someone could find you? I haven't noticed any of that. But other stuff, about yourself and your family...some people just don't get it. WE live in a different time now, and everything is ALL OUT THERE. My sister just got ripped by my aunt for the same reason, but she's 78! Just tell them to BITE YOU! Keep writing!

Shannon said...

Yeah, don't stop! I think that is the best part about blogs, that we learn little bits about each other that we might not have otherwise known or talked about, like at say, church. Bloggig is fun, and as I say, It's your blog and you can write what you want to!

J D C and N said...

Elisa, I'm glad you've started up again. I really missed your postings and like the other's said- don't stop just because of what other people say. I love your blog! And I also like hearing the every day random stuff that I wouldn't get to know about you guys otherwise. Keep it up. :)

Mubeen said...

Haha, let's just say you aren't the only that shares their life story on blogs-ME TOO and you know what?! Who cares what others think?! It's our way to get things off our chest!!!! Keep blogging! LOVE YOU!

elisa said...

Thank you, thank you! I hope you all keep writing too!