All kinds of inspiration!

Some things I have been thinking about;
Slavery; "Bury Me Not in a Land of Slaves" by Joyce Hansen

Poetry: Carl Sandburg: genius who wrote some cool poetry;

"I saw a famous man eating soup.
I say he was lifting a fat broth
Into his mouth with a spoon.
His name was in the newspapers that day
Spelled out in tall black headlines
And thousands of people were talking about him.

When I saw him,
He sat bending his head over a plate
Putting soup in his mouth with a spoon."

Art; Sugar Frosted Goodness,
Lots of good art from all different people.

Kids Crafts; decorated cereal boxes from a little magazine we picked up when we were all sick. I will post pictures when we actually make them.

Humor; Lemony Snicket ;
"It is not very polite to
interrupt a person, of course,
but sometimes if the person is
very unpleasant you can
hardly stop yourself."

"The expression
'Those who can't do, teach'
is a curious one,
because if you look at the
world, you'll see that teachers
aren't particularly worse at
doings things than anyone else,
so perhaps the expression
might be better worded as
'Nobody can do anything.'"

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