I wish....

I could help all my artsy friends make all their amazing creative things.

I could help them make a living out of their art.

I could make a living out of helping people find their bliss.

I could help heal people when they got sick.

My family and I weren't sick, again.

I'm really starting to think the only reason why we aren't deathly ill all the time, is because God protects us from illness, because I'm pretty sure we are surrounded by germs.

Sorry I'm ranting, we were just starting to feel better, now we seem to have caught ear infections and upper respiratory infections.
What's the saying; "Heal thyself." ?

I want everyone to check out my sis's (Nicolle) blog. She is an artist and I'm trying to convince her to paint and frame her art. She makes books and sews and all kinds of cool stuff, maybe someday she can sell it on Esty.


Did I already post these jewelry pics?


Jenny said...

Good Grief, woman, you guys can't catch a break!! Have you tried taking Zinc? I swear, it boosts the immune system like nobody's business. Whenever Steve and I start coming down with stuff, we take Zinc and it helps a bit.

I know what you mean about wishing you could make a living off your art. I feel the same way. Oh well, you're doing better than me!

www.thesinglelifeofastudentwife.blogspot.com said...

sick again?! Ugh!! Bergen's sick again too...erg. I wish it'd all just stop!

your jewlery looks wonderful!!!!