I don't care anymore!
I have always kept my mouth closed about stuff that I think is inflammatory or will get people on my case but I can't anymore.
Here are the facts; Vaccines contain heavy metals which are
neurotoxins; read the package inserts; aluminum and mercury (in the form of
Thimerasol). The following is not a table of all the vaccine companies but a good portion of them.
Thimerasol is a vaccine preservative, but I know that it is a dangerous one.
Yes, vaccines need to be mixed usually before injection but it does not mean it is free of heavy metals. The only way for you to know is to read the inserts or get on the companies' website and check the ingredients!
My doctor gave me the package inserts for 4 different vaccines because I questioned their safety. She assured me that they did not have mercury and that a tiny bit would not harm my kids. I told it her it was unacceptable for my kids to
receive any metals via injection.
She and her staff refused to take the time to read the inserts.
She handed them to me and asked me to call her with an acceptable schedule.
I have been looking for metal-free vaccines for a week!
Trust me, I know that doctors are trying their best and that they can be kind and compassionate people but we are ultimately responsible for our children and we have a choice!
Here is a link http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htmI will keep looking and I will wait till I find something that is actually safe for my children.
Okay the other thing is that ever since I had kids, I have always thought that the vaccination schedule for BABIES is totally ridiculous. 2 months, 4, 6, 8, and then 12 and 18 months.
I have read the vaccine package inserts for over 20 single dose AND combination vaccines and THEY ARE NOT
The schedule exists because the pharmaceutical companies gave the schedule to doctors and
no one knew or had any proof that an accelerated track could be potentially harmful to kids.
Aside from the fact that, the research done by
pharma companies, says that over 90% of kids (over 12 months) have the required immunity for at least a year. Some
vaccine's need boosters to maintain full immunity in kids bodies, some vaccines last up to 10 years.
So why do babies need 3-5 doses of vaccines every 2 months when they are under a year old?(Good question, ask your doctor, betcha they don't know or can't give you a decent answer.)
So I did some more research, and found out that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended;
Thimerasol to be removed from all vaccines. This was 1999.
sanofi makes the majority of kids vaccines and they still have
Thimerasol in them. Check the above link.)
GlaxoSmithKline has aluminum in some of their vaccines.
Merck also puts aluminum in some of their vaccines.
2-The schedule for infant vaccination was to be revised and started after the child was 12 months and that the vaccinations needed to be further spaced apart.
I have always had a very bad feeling about vaccinations and the timing and spacing, but Eva is my only child that is fully vaccinated. But I did wait until she was 1, then got the shots every 6 months to a year.
I have argued with doctors, parents and family over this and I while I respect
every one's opinion, I will not vaccinate my kids unless I know it's safe. I will do whatever it takes to keep them healthy and I know in my heart that there are too many pressures for us to conform to 'good parenting' and not question the medical establishment but when I have followed my gut, I have been safer than when I didn't.
I know there is a link between autism and vaccines because there is evidence of a tripling of autism when federal law mandated for school children to be 'fully' vaccinated before entering school.
Please do not misunderstand, I think vaccinations are good and that
the idea is safe.
I just think that most vaccine producers do not care about kids safety and use whatever crap they can.
One of the best things we can do, is to pressure any medical professionals and state and federal lawmakers to require these pharmaceutical companies to make metal, and toxin free vaccines and for them to be administered on a safe and SANE schedule for our kids.
My suggestion would be for 1 dose vaccines to be administered every 6 months to a year after they are 12 months old,
succesively until they are 5.
Remember, most kids only need 1 dose to become fully immunized for up to a year. You might have to go back every year but some vaccines (immunity) can last for up to 10 years.
Okay, so if we are already getting mercury in our fillings, mercury in our water and mercury in our food, what is a little mercury in our vaccines?
Well, our bodies cannot excrete heavy metals and once our soft tissues are full of them, they can go into our nervous system=brain.
Aluminum is linked to
Alzheimer's' and Mercury is linked to Autism.
I know it might seem like I am being paranoid but PLEASE do the research yourself and if you need to, pray about it!
I can't get past the feeling that we are being pressured into believing that these currently available vaccines are the only way to protect our amazing kids.
Just so you know!
Okay, for anyone worried about the effects of vaccines, there are 2 things you can do;
Chelation therapy to remove the heavy metals from your kids bodies.
I need to find out more but I think you can buy drops or supplements that bind the toxins and if you can, flush them out
thru excretion.
2- Sign an affidavit; a legal recourse for parents who make a "decision of
consience" to not vaccinate their kids. You can wait until there are safer vaccines!
I was completely terrified of getting Ethan up to date on his shots, but Bruce found this and it is a legal document that is accepted in the state of Texas and all schools must accept it in lieu of a vaccination record.
If you want, you can email me and I will send you a copy of the form to request this affidavit.
Okay, so anyone out there who does not believe me, more power to you, but at a least do the research and pray about it, for your kids.
Good luck!