Green is Sexy!

I have always been a bit of a tree hugger, alot due to the fact that I lived in Costa Rica while I was a teen, and they do everything pretty naturally there. This passion of mine has recently become inflamed (because it had been mildly dormant) because of all the things I have seen and heard around me, mostly dealing with health.

Well, about a week ago, My IUD was really bothering me; pinching, pulling, poking and I know this is TMI but I checked to see if it was in place and instead found a tiny hard mass on my cervix.

Now I was too tired to think about what it could mean so I went to bed and then freaked out about it the next day.

I called the Dr. to get it checked and miraculously got in to the Dr. that morning and a friend kindly watched my kids so I could go alone.

Well, Bruce knows this story and while he was kind, he decided that he wasn't going to stress about it, until he knew what was going on. But he promised me that we would do whatever it took to get healthy and stay healthy.

So at the Dr. he took out the IUD, and told me not to worry about the mass, wouldn't say anything beyond that. So while I was relieved, I am not convinced that it is ok because I know that any hardening or scarring of the cervix or uterus makes labor harder, if not impossible.

So I have decided to go as organic as possible for our big family and our tiny budget.

I will be making our own soaps, house cleaners and growing our own food. I am debating making the kids soaps because we have such a problem with waste in our family.

So, now I am committed to this ideal of no waste and self-suffiency and I hope you will all support me and possibly give me ideas. I will post recipes and pictures of the things I do make.

If you need any fabric scraps for anything, please call me and I'd be happy to give you whatever you need!
There are pictures of my stuff on the Yu-zen site at the top of the blog, on the right side.
I got a ton of fabric from a friend and have sewn 2 bags, 4 dresses and 4 aprons and 2 lingerie type aprons.


Hopewell Family said...

great idea to be less wasteful, we can all do better

Caroline said...

More power to you! Jonathan and I have really tried to do more of the organic stuff. Someday I would like to learn how to go on a completely raw diet. My mom and I want to go to the Ann Wigmore Institute in a couple years to learn everything we'll need to about going raw. I'm hoping a "couple" can turn into next year, but to go to the academy is really expensive. We'll see.

Shannon said...

Oh, I can't wait to have a garden, that is the first thing we are going to do when we get a house, AND a recycling center in the garage! It is so hard to recylce in an apartment due to lack of space. I am a bit of a closet hippy too, but I attribute that to growing up in Oregon. I love that being "green" is coming back, b/c now there are so many more resources and things available to us!

Jenny said...

You know, it takes a lot of work and determination to make this kind of committment and once again, I'm so amazed by you! I love the way you do what you think is right no matter what. I'm so sorry about your IUD and I hope everything is okay!

Mubeen said...

Good ideas! Hope all stays healthy with you. Your hair is getting so long! Pretty! said...

okay, that's just wrong that the dr. didn't say much else about the mass! That bugs me!!! Anyways, just thought I'd express my frustration on that aspect! LOVE YOU!

you should look at Brianne Hafen's blog (Jeni's sister) she has a living green post that's REALLY good!