I know I wasn't tagged but.....

This looked really fun so do it if you are up for it!

Maybe I should clean my house
I love feeling good (healthy)
People would say that I am wierd and can lack tact
I don’t understand why I am so wierd about journaling
When I wake up in the morning I roll my eyes, groan, then snap at someone. Morning always comes too soon.
I lost my aunt to pancreatic cancer and still have a hard time dealing with it
Life is full of work
My past is full of lessons in humility, probably nessecary for my stubborn self
I get annoyed when I see or hear about injustice
Parties are better with music and good food
I wish I had more desire to clean
Dogs are stinky barkers
Cats are stinky
Tomorrow I'm going to sew again
I have low tolerance for lots of things, all of them deal with free agency
I’m totally terrified of losing someone to a preventable illness
I wonder why I don't really care about what others think of me
Never in my life have I made bread.
High school was I rocked in drama.
When I’m nervous or uncomfortable; I giggle uncontrollably
One time at a family gathering my mom ambushed my uncle with a pie to the face, I still remember the relish she took in doing that. I think he was teasing her.
Take my advice: contraception doesn't work for me.
Making my bed only happens before I go to sleep.
I'm almost always have to tell my brain to relax and go to sleep
I’m addicted to Malcolm in the Middle, seriously, I had to stop watching it.
I want someone to stand up and tell food processing/producers to quit poisoning us.

This would probably have been different if I had filled it out last week. that's just me!

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