I found this earlier, it was the most harmless, but not the funniest. I thought it was fitting for my silly story.
We heard an insanely angry cat trying to ward off Satan's kitty last night outside our bedroom window.
It sounded like someone was trying to cut through glass with a blowtorch; but this hiss was more of a rapid-fire hock and it was loud!
I've never heard a cat do that. I've heard hissing and even cats fighting but not like this. I almost jumped up and grabbed a gun! I did wake up Bruce, poor baby. I felt pretty dumb when I realized it was cat fights!
I can't believe I didn't think of this before!
This business consists of weatherizing your home to be more energy efficient.
He started the business last year and took a little break to finish school.
(If any of you know Bruce, He usually has about 7 projects going on at a time, yet manages to do them well and efficiently.)
So having said that, I am posting his website on the blog to tell you,
there are resources on his website that give free information on how to save money on your utility bills.
FYI; his specialization is installing Radiant Barrier in attic, that allows your attic to stay cooler and therefore less heat gets into your home through the roof.
I do know that for any winter jobs, there is a discount!
Check it out!
President Hinkley
My friend Sa called me to tell me.
My kids were all asleep except for Lilli and Bruce had just gotten home from home teaching.
He was stunned when I told him and we hugged and talked about it for a while.
I was a little apprehensive just because of the whole death comes in 3's thing,
but Bruce promptly told me that hundreds, maybe thousands of people die everyday, maybe every minute. I guess I didn't think of it that way.
Anyway, this isn't about me,
So for anyone who is feeling upset; keep praying and know that President Hinkley is fine and with his Wife. He loves us and I know he's praying for us. I know that we will be ok if we stay on the path and ask for strength and comfort.
I love you all and if you need to talk, please call me.

Utah trip!

Nicolle did face-painting for Eva and Dylan on New Years' Eve. I would have gotten my face painted but kids started throwing up on me right after midnight.

Proof that we saw Nicolle and Family; Jon is heavier than and almost as tall as Lilli! Very sweet boy.

these pictures are not indicative of all that we did. We lost our camera the last 2 days of our vacation, and forgot to take pics. at the wedding so....I will just have to be satisfied with the few pics. we did get.
I also feel really bad about not being able to see my cousins; the Hofers' and the Salts'.
I hope they know that it was only because my kids had a nasty stomach bug! Lasting anywhere from a few days to 10 days. In a car, traveling cross country, in the winter.
The first night on our way back to Texas, Ethan threw up all over Dylan and he didn't wake up but I felt so bad for him, I woke him up and gave a him a bath at 2am. I think the housekeeping lady was trying to kill me with her glare. I cleaned it all up, tho.
Ethan was a sledding machine. Of course, as was Bruce. That video was the only time I went sledding.
FDA approved animal products from cloned animals; (beef, pork-no sheep!)
I do not want to be forced to buy cloned animal products.
If I have to buy organic, I will, but more likely, I will go without. Now I just have to convince Bruce. Poor baby.
New options!
These suggestions are all until we get permission to use the Church bldg.
A-(Monthly schedule) rotating houses with 4 moms on teaching schedule, 2 or more moms off for the day.
B-Continue doing what we are doing; with all moms teaching.
C-Do it at one person's house until the end of the school year, with 2 set teachers with moms rotating off.
Please don't think I'm trying to be domineering, I just want preschool to work for everyone.
I know my boys need it desperately and frankly, I only do school if lots of people are involved!
I would still like to do 2 days a week, but I realize that it won't happen until everyone is comfortable and ready to take on another day, including myself! If anyone can come out on Thursdays, just email me and we will do some activities!
I was thinking that we should have a few set teachers (like we do now) for certain subjects
I would like to be put down for Art, Yoga, and Cooking;
I can and will sub in for anything (spanish, alphabet, numbers)
except Music. (Sorry Jenny, I would just mess it up!)
Anyway, If I could get some input and some definite likes and dislikes, we can structure this better to meet everyone's needs.
By the way, please come to a (late) birthday party we are having for Dylan this coming Tues, after preschool. Maybe we could vote on a solid preschool format on Tuesday?
Thank you!
Happy New Year!
Preschool will be starting in earnest tomorrow, and continuing on Thursday.
We hope to see everyone (and maybe a few new people on Thursday?)
I will post pics and bad writing later (sigh...., I love the way my friend Kelli writes).
Hope everyone had a great set of holidays!