
Well, since I cannot seem to find any good pictures; I'm going to rant about this;

FDA approved animal products from cloned animals; (beef, pork-no sheep!)

I do not want to be forced to buy cloned animal products.

If I have to buy organic, I will, but more likely, I will go without. Now I just have to convince Bruce. Poor baby.


Julie, Seb & Tedly said...

Vegetarian definetley sounds like the way to go. I actually hate eating meat anyway. The only meat I'll eat is a hotdog every once in a while....but I tell myself It's not really meat anyway and I do still Love an "In N Out" Burger. Otherwise I would LOVE to be completely vegetarian..besides I've read a lot about the meat we eat anyway and it's full of hormones and when they kill it,, the liver does not process out the poisons from the blood so your eating bad blood of whatever animal you eat. sorry did'nt mean to gross anyone out.

elisa said...

My sister was a vegetarian for over 10 years. So hopefully, it wouldn't be a big deal for me to be a vegetarian... but Bruce is another thing. Texans are big meat eaters!
My kids already love meat.
I stil can't debone a chicken or turkey. Forget about big animals.
I'm getting nauseated writing about it...