New options!

I have a few suggestions for the preschool format.
These suggestions are all until we get permission to use the Church bldg.

A-(Monthly schedule) rotating houses with 4 moms on teaching schedule, 2 or more moms off for the day.

B-Continue doing what we are doing; with all moms teaching.

C-Do it at one person's house until the end of the school year, with 2 set teachers with moms rotating off.

Please don't think I'm trying to be domineering, I just want preschool to work for everyone.
I know my boys need it desperately and frankly, I only do school if lots of people are involved!

I would still like to do 2 days a week, but I realize that it won't happen until everyone is comfortable and ready to take on another day, including myself! If anyone can come out on Thursdays, just email me and we will do some activities!

I was thinking that we should have a few set teachers (like we do now) for certain subjects
I would like to be put down for Art, Yoga, and Cooking;
I can and will sub in for anything (spanish, alphabet, numbers)
except Music. (Sorry Jenny, I would just mess it up!)

Anyway, If I could get some input and some definite likes and dislikes, we can structure this better to meet everyone's needs.

By the way, please come to a (late) birthday party we are having for Dylan this coming Tues, after preschool. Maybe we could vote on a solid preschool format on Tuesday?

Thank you!


Jenny said...

I'm definitely putting in my vote for the rotating house schedule. I'll take February and Kelli has agreed to take March. If y'all aren't opposed to driving to Mansfield, Jan L. has offered to do March, but if it's too far she understands. I'm also all for having a meeting to iron out kinks and think Tuesday would be a great time for it.

Some bad news...the bishop talked with the Stake president and now Pres Hanson wants to talk to his higher up about Preschool at the church. So I think rotating households is definitely the answer.

Kelli said...

ARe you sure you don't mean April for Jan? I like the rotating houses thing, for sure. Just for some variety and so everyone has a chance to have it at their house.

The Yosts said...

Hi Hopewells this is Stephanie (Porter) Yost, an old friend of Bruce's. Found your blog through my friend Vanessa. Just thought I'd say hello! It's been since my wedding since I last saw you guys. Looks like your family grew! Great looking bunch! Hope you guys are doing well. Still living in Texas?

elisa said...

Stephanie! what's up?
We are in Arl.
send us an email!
We'd love to see your family if you guys are close by.